Monday, May 25, 2009

In......Or out?

Hi dear bitches!

M shall be a very nice princess and upload all the recent photos omgawdz Koh are you reading this? Ong also hor. Any june hols means outing!!!!!

Some suggestions:

1. Pular Ubin
2. Rollarblading-cum-picnic at ECP
3. Paintball/Laser quest
4. Visit Ven's new house
5. Thrift shopping again!!!
6. Chalet no.2?? Discuss soon (self-reminder: M)
7. Sakae buffet
8. Overnight L4D session @ Hop (what about *wave hands* air of....)
9. Sleepover session (gossip, camwhore and study like wtf LOL)
10. Photo hike go some ulu west side!
Anymore, please update yourself or tell M, x.A, since both of them are regular updaters :D

Who's in??

Coming up:
C's birthday, any suggestions?

Please keep the tagboard lively babes!!

Okay pictures are up! Thank me please :x

With Love,
M :)


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